Are You Ready For The Winter Blues

winter blues

Photo by Cottonbro

The winter blues is a feeling experienced by many people. In late fall, as the light starts to lessen, people feel more lethargic and get depressed. For some – as many as ten million people in America alone – the winter blues goes a step beyond into a condition called Seasonal Affective Disorder. With the Covid outbreak stressing our lives, SAD and even just plain winter blues is more of a concern for many people. What can you do about it? You can start with some old fashioned lighting.

Brighten Up Your Home

The main factor in winter blues is tied to light. Light helps regulate our biological functions, as well as helps ups produce and absorb certain hormones, as well as Vitamin D. It plays such an important role that when we get less sunlight, the changes in our hormones is so dramatic that it actively causes depression. At least, that’s what scientists think. It’s backed up by a lot of evidence, including the fact that the further you go from the equator, the more common SAD becomes. Also evidence: light therapy is an effective treatment for the disorder.

Landscape Lighting To Make Things Brighter

Nighttime Landscape Lighting by Portland SprinklersLast time, we talked about how landscape lighting improves the value of your home. All that’s still true, but now consider this: if brightening up your home can help you ward off the winter blues, landscape lighting might be just the thing. Some extra lighting around the yard can trick your brain into thinking that the daylight hours are lasting just a little bit longer and keep them producing the proper chemicals your body needs to keep you feeling lively. Our LED lights give off really bright light.

Not to oversell this, of course. On it’s own, this won’t be effective for genuine SAD, but if it’s just feeling down from lack of sunlight, it can be pretty helpful. It brightens up your yard, draws attention to your yard’s best features and will get you thinking about the positives more than the negatives. It’s a little bit of a boost that can go a long way.

What Else Can I Do?

You know what else has been proven to help with winter blues? Going outside. The fresh air gives you better oxygen, helping clear your head. Being outside gives you exercise, which gets your body in the mood to produce its natural hormones. It helps you get more natural sunlight.

Plus, the fresh air is healthier, even when it’s cold.  Cold is actually bad for most bacteria and viruses – it doesn’t kill them, but it does cause them to go dormant and be less likely to spread. Meanwhile, being in the open air means you’re breathing less of what others are coughing out. If you’re worried about the virus, exercising outside can help.  Just make sure you bundle up.

Additionally, exercising under bright lights is shown to help a lot. With our bright, LED lights set up around your yard, you can turn them on and enjoy your exercise while also getting that extra bright light to aid your mood.

Anything Else?

Oh, plenty. Real Simple has a good article on things you can do that have been shown to improve your mood. Check them out if you want to see other ideas.

Get Your Landscape Lighting Set Up Today

Portland Sprinklers & Landscape Lighting Logo.Winter’s already underway now. Some of us might already be feeling the effects of the winter blues. If you want to avoid it this year, now’s the time to take a few steps to brighten up your home. If you want some landscape lighting to do just that, while also improving the value of your home and making it look better to everyone, we’re ready to help you out. Get in touch with us today to schedule an appointment. We’re ready to answer any questions you have.

Landscape Lighting and the Value of Your Home

exterior landscape lightingHere at Portland Sprinklers, we do more than just sprinklers. Our interest is in making your home a beautiful place.  Lighting plays a huge role in your home’s appearance – especially landscape lighting. Landscape lighting is an integral part of maximizing your home’s appeal. If done properly, it has several benefits that increase the value of your home significantly.

Landscape Lighting Increases Curb Appeal

When a house is dark, it looks dreary and foreboding. It comes across as cold, empty, and devoid of life. We associate it with haunted houses and condemned buildings – places of danger! On the other hand, a well-lit house looks warm and inviting. Good landscape lighting says, “somebody lives here.” It gives people a sense of comfort and presence, letting them know it’s safe to visit.  It’s also used to highlight and draw attention to the best features of your home and garden, putting your best foot forward.

Those feelings make the house more appealing, increasing the value of the home. This is called “curb appeal.” Curb appeal makes a huge difference in the value of the home because it’s so central to making a good first impression. What people see from the road makes them more likely to be interested in it.  People will want to know more about the house. Poor curb appeal makes real estate companies rate your home as less valuable because of the extra work they’d have to do to sell it.

Even if you’re not looking to sell, it still makes your home look much nicer, and why wouldn’t you want that?

Landscape Lighting Makes Your Home Safer

Night Lighting by Portland SprinklersMaking your home look nice isn’t the only way good lighting improves the value of your home. It also makes it safer. People need light to see, as anyone over the age of “just born a few moments ago” understands. When your yard has no proper lighting, no one can see anything. If you have to go outside for any reason, the dark makes this dangerous. You might trip over something. If you did and this caused injury, people might not be able to see you in trouble. Even if you don’t seriously injure yourself, a stubbed toe or sprained ankle is no fun.

Lighting your hard and home with LED lights solves that problem. A few simple lights in the right place around your home give you a clear vision of everywhere you’d want to go. They’re simple to install, inexpensive in upkeep, and add very little to your power bill. For so little, the improvements they make to the natural beauty of your yard is amazing.

Winter Is The Ideal Time To Upgrade

Winter is a great time to upgrade your lighting. It’s past the growing season, so you’re not interfering with that in any way. The shorter days means more dark hours to test the lighting and make sure it’s adequately covering your walkways. It can provide accents to your yard, directing eyes to your Christmas lights and decorations for a more cohesive viewing experience. You can also do the installation while prepping your yard for spring. Two birds with one stone!

Want To Improve The Value of Your Home?

If you’re looking to improve the value of your home this winter, landscape lighting is the perfect way! It increases curb appeal and makes your yard safer. Now’s the best time to get it done if you want the best results. Interested? Then get in touch with us today! We’ll help get you set up with a quality system, and that is a promise!